Faire découvrir aux enfants leurs
“En tant qu’animateur d’un groupe de méditation, je sais que ce n’est déjà pas évident d’aborder la méditation avec des adultes. C’est sans doute encore plus difficile avec des enfants. Ce livre trouve un moyen super ludique de donner accès aux enfants à la méditation en comparant ses différentes composantes (la respiration, etc.) aux pouvoirs des super-héros que les enfants adorent. Super outil !”
“J’adore, ce livre est super, il permet aux enfants de comprendre et pratiquer la méditation par le biais de quelque chose à laquelle ils s’identifient.Très intéressant pour toutes personnes voulant pratiquer la méditation avec un ou plusieurs enfants.Je le conseille vivement.”
“Louis, merci pour ta technique de respiration, tes belles parole et ta bonne explication “du Super Hero”!”
“Redécouvrez ce conte amérindien philosophique. Transportez-vous dans un univers poétique de Louis Legrand et Bettina Braskó, empreint d’une douceur onirique. La Légende des deux loups nous transmet l’une des valeurs essentielles : l’indulgence envers soi-même et les autres pour améliorer la manière d’affronter la vie. ”
“Very interesting book, well written. I would warmly recommend it to anybody. Children really love both text and lovely pictures.”
“The theme of the book, from the child perspective, is accessing your superpowers through meditation. This concept was so well thought out and consistently done. It imparts real principles in a very child-friendly way.As a 5th grade teacher, I know that many of us forget the stress children are under as they are learning about the world around them, making mistakes and unfortunately being told that they must face reality and learn their limitations. This book is about overcoming obstacles, achieving your dreams and taking control of your responses to challenges.This book, at its core, is helping children learn how to navigate life and stress in a positive way by honing their “superpowers”, that natural strength that we have in us, before we “understand” what is impossible. It is written in a manner that gets children excited about meditation, which might otherwise not be appealing to a child. Who wouldn’t want super hearing or x-ray vision? It teaches real mindfulness concepts that a child will not only embrace, but apply throughout life. What a gift to give a developing mind!”
“Dear Louis,I never had a chance to thank you for sending me a copy of your wonderful book. I think it has a terrific tone and is packed with wonderful ideas. In fact, it could be a guide for adults as well as children. Congratulations on a wonderful contribution. I wish you every success with it.In peace,”